Source code for salttesting.unit

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    :codeauthor: :email:`Pedro Algarvio (`

    Unittest Compatibility Layer

    Compatibility layer to use :mod:`unittest <python2:unittest>` under Python
    2.7 or `unittest2`_ under Python 2.6 without having to worry about which is
    in use.

    .. attention::

        Please refer to Python's :mod:`unittest <python2:unittest>`
        documentation as the ultimate source of information, this is just a
        compatibility layer.

    .. _`unittest2`:

# Import python libs
from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys
import copy
import logging
    import psutil
    HAS_PSUTIL = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_PSUTIL = False

# Set SHOW_PROC to True to show
# process details when running in verbose mode
# i.e. [CPU:15.1%|MEM:48.3%|Z:0]

# support python < 2.7 via unittest2
if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
        # pylint: disable=import-error
        from unittest2 import (
            TestLoader as _TestLoader,
            TextTestRunner as __TextTestRunner,
            TestCase as __TestCase,
            TestSuite as _TestSuite,
            TestResult as _TestResult,
            TextTestResult as __TextTestResult
        from import _id
        # pylint: enable=import-error

        class NewStyleClassMixin(object):
            Simple new style class to make pylint shut up!

            And also to avoid errors like:

                'Cannot create a consistent method resolution order (MRO) for bases'

        class TestLoader(_TestLoader, NewStyleClassMixin):

        class _TextTestRunner(__TextTestRunner, NewStyleClassMixin):

        class _TestCase(__TestCase, NewStyleClassMixin):

        class TestSuite(_TestSuite, NewStyleClassMixin):

        class TestResult(_TestResult, NewStyleClassMixin):

        class _TextTestResult(__TextTestResult, NewStyleClassMixin):

    except ImportError:
        raise SystemExit('You need to install unittest2 to run the salt tests')
    from unittest import (
        TextTestRunner as _TextTestRunner,
        TestCase as _TestCase,
        TextTestResult as _TextTestResult
    from import _id

[docs]class TestCase(_TestCase): ## Commented out because it may be causing tests to hang ## at the end of the run # # _cwd = os.getcwd() # _chdir_counter = 0 # @classmethod # def tearDownClass(cls): # ''' # Overriden method for tearing down all classes in salttesting # # This hard-resets the environment between test classes # ''' # # Compare where we are now compared to where we were when we began this family of tests # if not cls._cwd == os.getcwd() and cls._chdir_counter > 0: # os.chdir(cls._cwd) # print('\nWARNING: A misbehaving test has modified the working directory!\nThe test suite has reset the working directory ' # 'on tearDown() to {0}\n'.format(cls._cwd)) # cls._chdir_counter += 1
[docs] def shortDescription(self): desc = _TestCase.shortDescription(self) if HAS_PSUTIL and SHOW_PROC: proc_info = '' found_zombies = 0 try: for proc in psutil.process_iter(): if proc.status == psutil.STATUS_ZOMBIE: found_zombies += 1 proc_info = '[CPU:{0}%|MEM:{1}%|Z:{2}] {short_desc}'.format(psutil.cpu_percent(), psutil.virtual_memory().percent, found_zombies, short_desc=desc if desc else '') except Exception: pass return proc_info else: return _TestCase.shortDescription(self)
#def runTest(self): # pass
[docs] def assertEquals(self, *args, **kwargs): raise DeprecationWarning( 'The {0}() function is deprecated. Please start using {1}() ' 'instead.'.format('assertEquals', 'assertEqual') ) return _TestCase.assertEquals(self, *args, **kwargs)
def failUnlessEqual(self, *args, **kwargs): raise DeprecationWarning( 'The {0}() function is deprecated. Please start using {1}() ' 'instead.'.format('failUnlessEqual', 'assertEqual') ) return _TestCase.failUnlessEqual(self, *args, **kwargs) def failIfEqual(self, *args, **kwargs): raise DeprecationWarning( 'The {0}() function is deprecated. Please start using {1}() ' 'instead.'.format('failIfEqual', 'assertNotEqual') ) return _TestCase.failIfEqual(self, *args, **kwargs) def failUnless(self, *args, **kwargs): raise DeprecationWarning( 'The {0}() function is deprecated. Please start using {1}() ' 'instead.'.format('failUnless', 'assertTrue') ) return _TestCase.failUnless(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def assert_(self, *args, **kwargs): if sys.version_info >= (2, 7): # The unittest2 library uses this deprecated method, we can't raise # the exception. raise DeprecationWarning( 'The {0}() function is deprecated. Please start using {1}() ' 'instead.'.format('assert_', 'assertTrue') ) return _TestCase.assert_(self, *args, **kwargs)
def failIf(self, *args, **kwargs): raise DeprecationWarning( 'The {0}() function is deprecated. Please start using {1}() ' 'instead.'.format('failIf', 'assertFalse') ) return _TestCase.failIf(self, *args, **kwargs) def failUnlessRaises(self, *args, **kwargs): raise DeprecationWarning( 'The {0}() function is deprecated. Please start using {1}() ' 'instead.'.format('failUnlessRaises', 'assertRaises') ) return _TestCase.failUnlessRaises(self, *args, **kwargs) def failUnlessAlmostEqual(self, *args, **kwargs): raise DeprecationWarning( 'The {0}() function is deprecated. Please start using {1}() ' 'instead.'.format('failUnlessAlmostEqual', 'assertAlmostEqual') ) return _TestCase.failUnlessAlmostEqual(self, *args, **kwargs) def failIfAlmostEqual(self, *args, **kwargs): raise DeprecationWarning( 'The {0}() function is deprecated. Please start using {1}() ' 'instead.'.format('failIfAlmostEqual', 'assertNotAlmostEqual') ) return _TestCase.failIfAlmostEqual(self, *args, **kwargs)
class TextTestResult(_TextTestResult): ''' Custom TestResult class whith logs the start and the end of a test ''' def startTest(self, test): logging.getLogger(__name__).debug( '>>>>> START >>>>> {0}'.format( ) return super(TextTestResult, self).startTest(test) def stopTest(self, test): logging.getLogger(__name__).debug( '<<<<< END <<<<<<< {0}'.format( ) return super(TextTestResult, self).stopTest(test)
[docs]class TextTestRunner(_TextTestRunner): ''' Custom Text tests runner to log the start and the end of a test case ''' resultclass = TextTestResult
__all__ = [ 'TestLoader', 'TextTestRunner', 'TestCase', 'expectedFailure', 'TestSuite', 'skipIf', 'TestResult' ]